Bottle Avenger Royale
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Play Bottle Avenger Royale Game Online on CarGames.Com

Welcome to Bottle Avenger Royale! In this action-packed shooting game, you play as the brave bottle avenger. You will battle zombies or enemies to survive. Keep buying guns to upgrade merges of the same level to stronger guns. Use skill points to enhance your attributes. You can choose four modes: Teamwork, Duel, Zombie, and Grenade. For example, in teamwork mode, you will collaborate to shoot enemies and achieve your goal. Coordinate with your allies to outsmart the opposition! In zombie mode, you'll fend off zombies while staying alive, using your gun and bomb to survive the onslaught. Each level has different scenarios and mission objectives, allowing you to experience new shooting fun every time! Come to prove you're the ultimate survivor in this nervous shooting adventure!



WASD to move. K = bomb; J = shoot; E = bullet

On Mobile

Tap the on-screen button to move.

How many people like the game and when is the publish date?

88% of 34 players like it, and the game was played 828 times since November-25th-2024

Can I play the game on desktop, mobile phones and tablets?

Yes, of course. The game can be played on your computer and mobile devices like phones and tablets.

Can I Play For Free?

Yes, you can play all games online for free on CarGames.Com. Just visit the page in a Web browser (desktop, mobile or pad) and enjoy yourself.
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